Angular Directives are a great way to split your code into manageable blocks for use in multiple templates.
Directives are basically a marker within the DOM than loads a template when found.
For example, if we create the following simple directive
myApp.directive('mydirectivename', function(){
restrict: 'E',
template: "
Hi {{name}}, I'm a directive
link: function (scope, element, attrs) { = 'Marc';
And then add the directive to a template as below:
The directive will output
<div>Hi Marc, I'm a directive</div>
The restrict option alows you to specify whether the directive will be used as an element, attribute or class
A – Attribute e.g. <div mydirectivename></div>
E – element e.g. <mydirectivename></mydirectivename>
C – Class e.g. <div class=”mydirectivename”></div>
M – Comment e.g. <!– directive: mydirectivename –>
As well as adding your template inline you also have the option of using templateUrl to load a template with ajax:
templateUrl: 'templates/my-template.html'
You can modify the DOM using the link() function. In this case we’re just passing a name.
AngularJS Directives have a number of other options which I’ll cover in a later post.