HTML select boxes and AngularJS

Dynamic select boxes in AngularJs and selecting a default value with ng-init

Posted on January 26, 2015



Binding HTML select boxes to the scope and selecting a value as default in AngularJS can be a little confusing, so I thought I’d write a quick, simple tutorial on it.

First we’ll need some data to work with so we’ll build a simple array of month objects in the controller:

$scope.months = [
		'id' :1,
		'name' : 'January'
		'id' :2,
		'name' : 'February'
		'id' :3,
		'name' : 'March'
		'id' :4,
		'name' : 'April'
		'id' :5,
		'name' : 'May'
		'id' :6,
		'name' : 'June'
		'id' :7,
		'name' : 'July'
		'id' :8,
		'name' : 'August'
		'id' :9,
		'name' : 'September'
		'id' :10,
		'name' : 'October'
		'id' :11,
		'name' : 'November'
		'id' :12,
		'name' : 'December'


Now we have some data, we can use this to create a select box within our angular template. We do this by iterating over the array using ng-options. We use ng-options rather than ng-repeat as it allows us to set different values for the option text and option value:

<select ng-model="month" ng-options=" as for month in months"></select>

This will show the populated select box as below, but without any value selected.

The ng-options expression looks very confusing, but it’s actually quite simple. This is what it means:

ng-options=”optionValue as optionText for obJectIndataArray in dataArray”

For example, for the first object in $scope.months, the option will output as:

<select ng-model="month">
    <option value="1">January</option>

Now we’ve got our select box and options showing we just need to set a default value. We can do this using the ng-init directive on the <select> tag.

We have already bound the select box to the scope using ng-model=”month”. Now we just need to use ng-init to give $scope.month a value:

<select ng-model="month" ng-options=" as for month in months" ng-init="month = 2"></select>

This will set the option with a value of 2 as the default. In this case February as you can see below.