New ES2021 Features

Here's some of the new ES2021 features.

Posted on June 29, 2021

This article is based on the 2021 based on the ES2021 Release Candidate.

Numeric Separators

This feature enables developers to make their numeric literals more readable by creating a visual separation between groups of digits.

1000000000   // Is this a billion? a hundred millions? Ten millions?
101475938.38 // what scale is this? what power of 10?

1_000_000_000           // Ah, so a billion
101_475_938.38          // And this is hundreds of millions

let fee = 123_00;       // $123 (12300 cents, apparently)
let fee = 12_300;       // $12,300 (woah, that fee!)
let amount = 12345_00;  // 12,345 (1234500 cents, apparently)
let amount = 123_4500;  // 123.45 (4-fixed financial)
let amount = 1_234_500; // 1,234,500


A simplified API for this common use-case that does not require RegExp knowledge. A way to global-replace strings without having to escape RegExp syntax characters.

'x'.replace('', '_');
// → '_x'
'xxx'.replace(/(?:)/g, '_');
// → '_x_x_x_'
'xxx'.replaceAll('', '_');
// → '_x_x_x_'

Logical Assignment Operators

A proposal to combine Logical Operators and Assignment Expressions.

// "Or Or Equals" (or, the Mallet operator :wink:)
a ||= b;
a || (a = b);

// "And And Equals"
a &&= b;
a && (a = b);

// "QQ Equals"
a ??= b;
a ?? (a = b);

Promise.any and AggregateError

This snippet checks which endpoint responds the fastest, and then logs it.

  fetch('').then(() => 'home'),
  fetch('').then(() => 'blog'),
  fetch('').then(() => 'docs')
]).then((first) => {
  // Any of the promises was fulfilled.
  // → 'home'
}).catch((error) => {
  // All of the promises were rejected.

error is an AggregateError.